Press & Media
We Speak Relationship.
Due to our high level of experience and expertise, our esteemed San Francisco Bay Area Sex Therapists, Couples Counselors, Sexual Empowerment Coaches, and Relationship Coaches at California Relationship Centers, LLC frequently contribute to and are quoted in the media and press.
Media: Please fill out the form below or contact (note the S after Centers) if you need a quote or expert opinion for your next piece. We also are available for public speaking, lectures and events. If you email, please include in subject line “Media Request; Attention Dr. Nelsen”
Topics related to attachment and bonding, sexuality, sexual and emotional intimacy, relationships, marriage, polyamory and open partnerships, trust, communication, LGBTQ+ issues, Trans sexuality, LGBTQ+ sexuality, sexuality discrepancies, healthy attachment & bonding, mental health issues, self-care, women's health, men's heath, parenting and overall psychological and sexual well-being are areas of expertise for our world renown sexologists, clinical psychologists, couples counselors and sex therapists. We are here to help.
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